Product Description
Bright make fully retractable Air Hose Reel with permanently lobed springs, self-locking safety latch, rugged and corrosion resistant finish. Bright Air Hose Reels are durable and compact for a wide range of applications with critical space requirements. A full flow shaft and swivel assures maximum product delivery. Bright Air Hose Reels mountable on floors, walls, ceilings, workbenches or inside your Vehicle. This drum incorporates a powerful torsion spring to ensure a positive movement of the hose when being pulled out or retracted. According to the application and requirement we can supply open as well as closed model with manual operated, with auto rewind function, with motor operated model which covers all ideal and customized air hose reels. Leveraging the skills of our qualified team of professionals, we are instrumental in offering wide range of Bright Auto Rewind Air Hose Reel.